Arielle Kaye

U.S. Program Manager

Arielle is the U.S. Program Manager with TOM@University. Previously, Arielle worked at UJA-Federation of New York for 4.5 years in various capacities including fundraising, leadership development, and lobbying on behalf of human service nonprofits around New York City. Prior to her time at UJA, Arielle taught English and music in a Bedouin community outside of Haifa. At the same time, Arielle worked with Polyphony Education, a nonprofit dedicated to community building between Israelis and Palestinians through music. Arielle is also a dual degree masters student at NYU, working towards an MPA specializing in International Development and an MA in Hebrew & Judaic Studies. In her free time, Arielle likes to play music, go on hikes, and search for the best ice cream in New York City.

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