The word “Reut” in Hebrew means Vision.
Reut is unique in its outlook and approach to driving societal change. We offer ‘adaptive leadership’ by identifying ‘fundamental gaps’, to offer compelling visions and the approaches to effectuate them. Once a vision is formulated, we provide a conceptual framework within which we can focus our work. We then pilot our ideas and model the successes so that they can be replicated in order to achieve systemic change.
Israel-World Jewry Relations: 21st Century Zionism
This vision holds the mission of Zionism and the Zionist Movement to serve the continued significant existence of the Jewish People. It also holds Zionism to be a dynamic national movement, whose values and priorities evolve over time.
This vision has inspired Reut’s work on Jewish Peoplehood, the Israeli Diaspora and the future of Israel-Diaspora relations and calls for Israel to realize its mission as the nation state of the entire Jewish People, as an anchor for its collective resilience, prosperity and leadership. This vision also inspired Reut’s founder, Gidi Grinstein, to write his first book Flexigidity: The Secret of Jewish Adaptability and the Challenge and Opportunity Facing Israel.
Key documents:
Conceptual Framework – The Future of the Nation State of the Jewish People: Consolidation or Rupture?
Israel and the Jewish World – A New Relationship
The Israeli Diaspora as a Catalyst for Jewish Peoplehood
Engaging The Israeli Diaspora: Toronto as a Case Study
Israel’s National Security: Fighting the Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy
Reut’s work in the field of national security is inspired by our strategic framework: Israel at 75: A New National Security Vision (see clip). Our key focus has been on Israel’s fundamental right to exist, through the ARC (ADL-Reut Collaboration) and Firewall Israel projects, both of which are based on Reut’s extensive work in this area since 2006.
Key documents:
The Delegitimization Challenge: Creating a Political Firewall
The Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy: London as a Case Study
A new National Security Vision for Israel’s 75th Year
The Gaza Flotilla: The Collapse of Israel’s Political Firewall
21st Century Tikkun Olam: Israel and the Jewish people making a collective impact on humanity.
Reut envisions a global partnership involving a world-wide web of Jewish communities with Israel at its center that is helping 250 million people within a decade, making the Jewish People indispensable to addressing the challenges that face humanity. Reut’s strategic framework, 21st Century Tikkun Olam, was published in 2012 which inspired the launch of TOM: Tikkun Olam Makers, an inititive designed to create and scale extremely affordable solutions for neglected needs of disempowered communities, initially focusing on needs of people living with disabilities. With a similar goal of helping 250 million people, TOM has become the fastest growing Tikkun Olam venture in the Jewish World. Beyond the value of helping people, TOM is also a powerful platform for partnerships between Jewish and non-Jewish leaders and organizations and for engaging those who are on the edges of our communities.
Key document:
21st Century Tikkun Olam: Improving the Lives of a Quarter of a Billion People in a Decade
The Israel 15 Vision
The ISRAEL 15 Vision calls for Israel to become one of the fifteen leading nations in terms of quality of life, organized as a network of resilient and prosperous communities and making a significant and distinct contribution to humanity. This vision requires a period of sustained high and inclusive economic growth, and has inspired multiple projects by the Reut Group including: strategic frameworks for national transformations, regional transformations, and community inclusiveness. Our vision is currently being realized in our work on leapfrogging the city of Tsfat, leapfrogging the Western Galilee, Smart Communities, as well as the 21st Century Tikkun Olam, and TOM initiatives.
Key documents:
Regional Leapfrog Model (Hebrew)
Leapfrogging the Periphery
Israel’s New Social Contract for Growth, Inclusiveness and Community Building
Principles and Guidelines for Achieving a Socioeconomic Leapfrog
Vision for Tsfat in 2021